Unlike most 3rd Party Asset Mangers that provide model portfolio solutions without any guidance on how those solutions can be implemented with clients to improve their outcomes, Altitude’s Advisory process is rooted in Financial Planning using MoneyGuide Pro. Our investment models are specifically built to increase your clients’ probability of success in their Financial Plans.

The MoneyGuide Pro platform can help Advisors pinpoint the efficiency of their client’s current portfolios, breakdown the long-term risk and reward of the current asset allocation and compare-and-contrast the results to an Altitude Model Portfolio. This process is not subjective in nature, it is not based on market timing, nor is it security centric. Instead, it is built upon the principals of asset allocation. I.E. Brinson Beebower Asset Allocation Study. The Altitude Investment Management Models are strategically allocated and globally diversified models that are validated using MoneyGuide Pro’s Asset Allocation Analysis.

By training you to use the systems necessary to transition clients to advisory and supplying you with portfolio solutions optimized to achieve client objectives, Altitude Investment Management will help you rapidly grow your advisory business. Rather than a 3rd party fund company, we are a partner in the relationship with the referring Financial Advisor. We view the relationship through the eyes of the Advisor, because we are Advisors.